Version : 7.0 
Date modified : 2024-03-05

6.14 Starting your first Blog Post

Let's use the following scenario; you are a class teacher looking after the Reception year group in your school and you have written a number of points down somewhere that will allow you to write a friendly and informative blog post which you will create to appear on your website reception class page.

6.14.1 Steps to create your first simple blog article

1. Go to Content > Articles and choose the New button which you will see towards the top left of the web browser screen. When you do this, a new blank article will be presented to you.

2. Type in an interesting and relevant title into the Title field at the top of the article editor. Keep it short and punchy. There is no need for war and peace in the title field!

3. Next, click into the Editor panel and either type in your blog post information or, (sensibly) if you have created it in Microsoft Word so you can check for typing and syntax errors, copy the text from your word document and simply paste it (CTL_V) into the article editor panel.

4. Over on the right hand side of the page you'll see a chooser labelled Category. Click on the chooser and select the category which reflects your particular area of blog responsibility. For example, for a Reception blog, you would probably choose the Reception Blog category!

5. From the top of the page, click the Save button.

Now, visit the website front-end and go to your blog page and you should see your blog article on display.

6.14.2 More sophisticated ideas

As mentioned earlier, it might be fun to add a single header image or a small Gallery to your blog post to show a handful of associated images. We cover adding images to Articles later in this guide.

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