Every Joomla Web site has two areas: a public area for visitors, also known as the Front End and a private area for administrators, also known as the Control Panel or the Administrator area.
2.1.1 Visitor (Front End) Area
Absolutely everything you want visitors to see on your site can be accessed from here - basically, this is your website! You can always access the visitor area simply by visiting the web address for your website. Type in the web address, and you will see the home page of your site.
2.1.2 Control Panel or Administrator Area
The other half of your site is the secure or private area for administrators. Absolutely everything you want to change about your site can be changed from here. It is called the Control Panel of your site as that is where you control everything; where you go to add, remove, and change content, create navigation, or modify your site layout.
We cover logging in in our Fundamentals area of this guide here which is the next stage!