Version : 7.0 
Date modified : 2024-03-05

4. Categories

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4.1   Introduction

Categories are an important part of your website because they help you to organize your content into logical groups. They are used in several different areas of the website and an easy way to think of a category - no matter where you encounter it - is as a ‘folder’ and an analogy is to consider categories to be a way to organise and group things together so that they can be found and displayed more easily and managed together in a logical way on the website.

Areas that use Categories include articles, weblinks, documents, contacts and so on. Category names can be anything that makes sense to you and once created, you can associate things with them. You can change Category names at any time you wish, and you can move things to be in different categories whenever you want to.

Once you have your categories set up, you can start creating content and assigning it to categories. For example, if you create a blog post, you can assign it to a category that you perhaps called “Blogs”. This makes it easy for your website visitors to find content that is relevant to their interests.

Joomla also allows you to create menu items (see our section on Menus) that link to categories. This means you can create a navigation menu that allows your website visitors to easily access all the content in a particular category. For example, you might create a menu item that links to the "News" category. When a website visitor clicks on that menu item, they will see a list of all the posts that have been assigned to the "News" category.

Categorising things and creating an organisational structure for your content is the best way to help you manage the site.

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